Story of a patient with melasma
In my 30s, my skin changed! Dark spots appeared and no matter what creams I bought at the drugstore, my skin looked horrible. So I started using foundation to mask my uneven skin tone. But I didn't like wearing so much makeup and felt that the overall effect made me look much older. I also looked for other natural options or home remedies on the internet, but my blemishes kept getting worse.
Then, I got help with Dr. Podlipnik and my skin changed. First we did a personalized treatment with creams and I read this book on facial blemishes where I understood my problem. I finally understood what was happening to me. After a few months, my skin had improved a lot. Now, I just follow the guidelines indicated by the doctor in the book with very good results.
Of course, I also bathe in sunscreen and have a collection of hats to avoid year-round sun exposure.